MooseTeX - The easy way to use LaTeX

- MooseTeX is open-source software distributed under CeCILL license for UNIX-like systems (such as Linux and MacOS-X). It makes the most of your LaTeX project by helping you generate high quality documents in PDF format, and if required DVI and PS formats. MooseTeX aims to be used for any kind of projects such as articles, letters, reports, theses, presentations or posters.
Based on the technology of Makefile(s), the purpose of MooseTeX is "to determine automatically how
(re)generate all pieces of a (large) LaTeX project in the fastest way". For doing so, MooseTeX also
includes a suite of conversion tools to generate each of such pieces. More specifically, MooseTeX :
- Provide (or aim at providing) human readable error messages when compilation errors occur,
- Generate references, citations and tables of contents automatically in a single run of MooseTeX,
- Regenerate files only when required by detecting the dependencies with/between
- TeX files,
- Styles files,
- BibTeX files and
- images
- Convert images to PDF or EPS from the native formats of the following programs
- Blender (.blend),
- Dia (.dia),
- Geogebra (.ggb),
- Gimp (.xcf),
- GLE (.gle),
- Gnuplot (.gnu),
- Inkscape (.svg),
- Python (.py and .pickle),
- Matlab (.m and .fig),
- Octave (.oct and .octave),
- Umbrello (.xmi),
- R (.R),
- Scilab (.sce and .scg),
- XFig (.fig),
- all formats dealt with LibreOffice (.doc, .odt, ...).
- all formats dealt with ImageMagick (.png, .jpg, ...).
- Fonts are embedded,
- Boundingbox are correctly defined,
- Vectorial images remain vectorial,
- Quality of bitmap images and encapsuled bitmap images is preserved.
- Note that MooseTeX is non-intrusive. It does not change the way you use LaTeX and is, as a consequence, compatible with your older projects. You can also use MooseTeX within collaborative LaTeX projects without imposing the use of MooseTeX to other collaborators.
Download MooseTeX
We recommend that you read the documentation first, install MooseTeX and then look at the examples.- Get the current version of MooseTex:
- Ubuntu/Debian users can install it from deb packages:
- Ubuntu package i386: moosetex_1.23_i386.deb
- Ubuntu package amd64: moosetex_1.23_amd64.deb
- Other Linux/Mac OS-X users should get the sources from either
- Git:
git clone https://bitbucket.org/charles_deledalle/moosetex.git
- Archive: v1.23.zip, v1.23.tar.gz, v1.23.tar.bz2
- Bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/charles_deledalle/moosetex
$ cd moosetex
see documentation for more details.
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install - Git:
- Ubuntu/Debian users can install it from deb packages:
- Download Examples: moosetex-1.22-examples.tar.gz
- Download Documentation: moosetex-1.23-doc.pdf
- Download development version of MooseTex from:
- Git:
git clone -b dev https://bitbucket.org/charles_deledalle/moosetex.git
- Git:
IMPORTANT: When upgrading your version, update moosetex using the command "moosetex update" and reconfigure your project using the command "moosetex configure".
- February 25, 2015:
git checkout tags/v1.23
, v1.23.zip, v1.23.tar.gz, v1.23.tar.bz2- Improve LaTeX generation pipeline (avoid useless runs of latex)
- Deal with makeindex
- Add dependencies to cls and bst files
- Fix daemon stopping procedure
- Correction of several bugs
- Refined color highlighting and warning/error outputs
- Migration from my own svn repository to a publc git one
- August 21, 2014: moosetex-1.22.tar.gz
- Improve bash completion
- Possibility to specify a list of restricted TeX files to generate
- Add options --backward, --default, --force
- Add possibility to use export_fig for Matlab's figures
- Correction of many small bugs
- July 30, 2014: moosetex-1.21.tar.gz
- Generation of images from Octave scripts.
- Start Xvfb once instead of multiple xvfb-run sessions
- Improve preservation of transparency and alpha channels
- Correction of many small bugs
- July 17, 2014: moosetex-1.2.tar.gz
- Generation is now multi-threaded (highly faster).
- Conversion and image directives tools improved (possibility to specify units for images size and margins).
- Improved generation pipeline (should be slightly faster).
- Improved error parsor (retrieve more Warnings).
- Improved cropping, resizing tools (now available for all formats).
- Improved general robustness and safety.
- Add possibility to export Matlab figures with plot2svg.
- Improved gestion of linked encapsuled images in SVG.
- June 30, 2014: moosetex-beta1.13.tar.gz
- Generation of images from Geogebra, GLE, Umbrello, R, Scilab and LibreOffice files.
- Improved robustness against conversion errors.
- June 9, 2014: moosetex-beta1.12.tar.gz
- Add possibility to use MooseTeX to convert images/figures to PDF or EPS independently of a MooseTeX project.
- Add possibility to purge a MooseTeX project.
- Add possibility to uninstall MooseTeX.
- Fix a bug concerning dependancies.
- Improve documentation.
- June 4, 2014: moosetex-beta1.11.tar.gz
- Generation of Dia figures.
- Fix a problem concerning blanks in directory names.
- Improve documentation for GNU/Emacs' users.
- October 13, 2013: moosetex-beta1.10.tar.gz
- Fix a problem concerning the (re)generation of table of contents.
- Fix a problem concerning blanks in filenames.
- Fix an installation problem of bash completion.
- October 4, 2013: moosetex-beta1.09.tar.gz
- Fix a bug concerning export of Python figures.
- Fix a bug concerning the option -C.
- October 3, 2013: moosetex-beta1.08.tar.gz
- During compilation, Matlab is started only once in background if required (a lot faster than before)
- Fix some bugs concerning dependencies.
- Fix some bugs concerning export of Blender images.
- August 30, 2013: moosetex-beta1.07.tar.gz
- Improvement in the calculation of dependencies (a lot faster than before),
- Modify a bit the rule for including images (may have lost compatibility with previous version),
- Add the possibility to generate figures from Matlab scripts, Python scripts, and Python pickles,
- Add more directives for the image generation from Matlab.
- August 26, 2013: moosetex-beta1.06.tar.gz
- Correction of many small bugs. Improvement of the error parsor. Improvement of the compilation scheme.
- Dec 28, 2012: moosetex-beta1.05.tar.gz
- Correction of many small bugs. Add possibility to mute some warnings. Apparition of an optional folder .moosetex.
- Dec 17, 2012: moosetex-beta1.04.tar.gz
- Dependencies are now computed differently to allow that used images, tex, sty and bib files can also be used with other commands than includegraphics, input, usepackage or bibiliography.
- Dec 14, 2012: moosetex-beta1.03.tar.gz
- Fix a bug on the generation of Matlab figures that appears for some Matlab versions (crash of Matlab),
- Fix a bug with the command "distclean" in the case where <IMGDSTDIR>=<ROOTDIR>,
- Fix some typos during the configuration step.
- Dec 10, 2012: moosetex-beta1.02.tar.gz
- Fix compatibility issues with the C library for MacOS-X,
- Dec 09, 2012: moosetex-beta1.01.tar.gz
- Fix a problem of compatibility with options of readlink and sed for MacOS-X (tested on Lion, 10.7),
- Fix some bugs in the configuration step.
- Dec 07, 2012: moosetex-beta1.tar.gz
Last modified: Fri Aug 23 13:52:33 UTC 2019